CF Registration
In our last blog post, we informed you that the Compensation Fund is in the process of modernising its system, with the aim of developing an integrated online platform for clients. The first phase of the project involves developing a claims management system.
All users will need to be registered to be able to access this online platform. To register, you will first need the documents listed in the next section. You will then be able to do the following:
- Pre-registration: You can submit all documents to [email protected] or your nearest Department of Labour office before the 25 September to pre-register for the system before it goes live. You will then have access to the system in the role that you applied for as soon as it goes live.
- Regular registration: If you choose not to pre-register, you can register on the system after 1 October 2019. Please note that access is not immediately granted as the information supplied is first required to go through the vetting process.
Documents needed for registration
- Company / Organisation registration document
- ID document of the director(s) in the registration document
- Certified ID or passport copy of the user who will be transacting
- Approved User Application Form (provided)
- Health Practice Registration Certificate from BHF, where the Health Provider is the primary users. It must have an ID number to prove that it belongs to Health Provider.
- Proof of address for all primary users.
- Power of Attorney letter for all users. It must be on the company letterhead, whose details correspond with the registration document.
- PERSAL employee report (exempted employers)
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