End of Employer Filing Season 2022 Reminder

Author: Amjad Tiseker

    1 minute read    

This is a friendly reminder that the period for employer’s to submit their Annual Reconciliation Declarations ends on 31 May 2022. Employers must submit their Annual Reconciliation Declarations covering the full 2022 tax year, that is from 1 March 2021 to 28 February 2022, prior to this deadline.

You should have already submitted your Interim Reconciliation Declaration, which required you to submit accurate declatations for the six month transaction period from 1 March to 31 August 2021 which included all Monthly Employer Declarations (EMP201) submitted, payments made to SARS and interim Employee Income Tax Certificates created. Please remember that you are required to use the same platform for the final submission which you used for the interim submission.  

Staying true to our commitment to making your payroll a breeze and keeping your business compliant, SimplePay automatically generates these submission documents for you. Employers with less than 50 employees can complete the filing process using the eFiling platform. Alternatively, if you employ more than 50 employees, filing can be completed via e@syFile.  For more information on the filing process, please refer to our Guide on Bi-Annual Employer Reconciliation

Manual Filing no longer supported

SARS  has informed all taxpayers that from 23 April 2022, manually filed PAYE disputes and penalty remission requests will no longer be accepted. The PAYE request for remission or dispute process for administrative penalties is now available on the existing eFiling platform. This will permit employers to dispute late payment penalties and administrative penalties online.

Any issues and queries relating to your submission can be directed to the SARS call centre on 0822 00 7277.

If you have any other queries relating to payroll and the SimplePay system, please feel free to get in touch with our customer support team at [email protected].

Team SimplePay