New Report: MIBFA Payment Reports

Author: Danelle Strydom

    1 minute read    

We are very excited to announce the addition of payment reports for the Metal Industries Benefit Funds Administrators (MIBFA) to SimplePay! This report consists of employees’ monthly contributions to the Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council (MEIBC) and benefit funds. These contributions include levies, and contributions to a sick pay fund, as well as to the Engineering Industries Pension Fund (EIPF) and the Metal Industries Provident Fund (MIPF).

There have been many requests for this feature from our customers in the metal and engineering industries, and our product team has been hard at work developing this new report functionality. We hope that it will help reduce the time spent manually collating this information each month. We’d love to hear your thoughts on whether this new functionality helps streamline your monthly reporting. 

The MIBFA payment report can currently be accessed only by requesting a Customer Support Specialist to enable it for your profile. Once you have gotten in touch with us to activate the feature on your profile, one of our friendly Support Champions will be happy to assist you with setting up the report. Alternatively, our detailed help page here can provide you with the steps.

Should you require assistance with the MIBFA payment report, or anything else on your SimplePay profile, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]

If you aren’t a SimplePay user yet but would like to benefit from our seamless payroll software and easily set up MIBFA payment reports, sign up for a free, 30-day trial today. 

Take care,

Team SimplePay